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Reverend Archdeacon Niketas Sanders



  • Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Le Tourneau University, Longview, TX, 2008. 

  • St. Stephen's Course of Orthodox Theology, 1997


Fr. James Kenna, priest at St. Elias until 2002, moved into the house next door to Archdeacon Niketas in 1987. “I was looking for a church home and found it.” Adn. Niketas was ordained to the diaconate on February 7, 1999 at St. George Orthodox Cathedral in Wichita, KS by His Grace Bishop Basil. He was elevated to archdeacon on January 11, 2015 at St. Elias. Adn. Niketas is married to Sh. Laura.


Getting to know Adn. Niketas

  • If it’s not fasting season, line up for Adn. Niketas’ mouth watering BBQ ribs

  • A favorite book: Hinds Feet On High Places for its simple, but elegant allegorical journey of developing the Christian faith.

  • A favorite saying: "Remember that no good deed ever goes unpunished." 

  • A favorite Bible verse: John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

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