Reverend Father
Andrew Salvia
Bachelor of Arts in History from Roanoke College, Salem, VA, 2013
Master of Divinity from St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theology Seminary, Yonkers, NY, 2023
Father Andrew was born in New Jersey where he lived until he was 10 years old; at which time his family moved to Salem, VA, a town nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains. His parents raised him in the United Methodist church where he gained a love for Jesus Christ and the holy scriptures. In his teenage years, he began to study the history of Christianity and found his way to the Roman Catholic Church for a time, thirsting for something with more ancient, apostolic roots.
While in college studying history, he was confronted with the beauty of the Orthodox Christian liturgy and the deep well of spiritual wisdom that her Saints had to offer the world. Praying in the context of the divine services and carefully examining the claims of the Orthodox Church, caused Fr. Andrew to contemplate where the true Church was that continued in the Apostles doctrine and practice. After prayerful consideration and pastoral guidance, Fr. Andrew was received into the Orthodox Church in January of 2010 at St. Innocent Orthodox Mission in Salem, VA.
In 2012, Fr. Andrew met his wife, Kh. Alethia (Berry) at an Orthodox young adult conference in Indianapolis, IN and they were married in 2013. They have 5 children: Giuseppe, Romano, Costantino, Giovanni and Xenia.
Fr. Andrew worked in a few different fields before answering the call to serve the Church. He spent several years in the automotive industry, working as an insurance adjuster and service advisor in different capacities. During this time, he and Kh. Alethia discerned serving the Church and attending seminary. Seeking counsel from experienced priests and with the blessing of his bishop, he entered St. Vladimir’s Seminary in fall of 2020. He was ordained to the diaconate in 2022 by Metropolitan Joseph. A little over a year later, he was ordained to the priesthood on Holy Saturday in 2023 by Metropolitan Saba at St. Ignatius Orthodox Church in Florida, NY.
Fr. Andrew was assigned to St. Elias in 2023 and serves alongside Fr. David.
Getting to know Fr. Andrew:
Fr. Andrew is an avid cook and language learner.
A favorite passage: the wedding at Cana, a beautiful encounter with the Lord who fills the institution of marriage with Himself, drawing the man and woman ever closer to union with God.